ITS9 sessions. From the left,: Ken Hill of the NRC Canada; (second row) Osamu Tamura, NMIJ, Tskuba, Japan; Jochim Fisher of the PTB Berlin, Michael Kuhne, Director, BIPM, Sevres, France. |
ITS9, An evening banquet. From the left, Mike Moldover, NIST; Rod White, MSL, New Zealand; Greg Strouse, General Chair, NIST; Michal Chojnacky, NIST, and Kazuaki Yamazawa, NMIJ, Japan. |
ITS9. Weston Tew, Program Chair, NIST and Michael Kuhne, Director, BIPM. |
ITS9/MSC Presidents Reception, ‘Casino Night’ (Fake Money Only!) : From the left, Greg Strouse, Dawn Cross, both of NIST. George Bonnier, LNE, France, and Don Dowell, Lockheed-Martin. |
An ITS9 Oral Session: Bruce Adams, Applied Materials, Inc. |
ITS9 Key Note Address, Michael Kuhne, BIPM. |
ITS9 Coffee Break: from the left. Mike Coleman, Fluke; and Howard Yoon, NIST. |
ITS9 Old Friends Meeting Again: Jeff Kelly, ICL Calibration Laboratories, Inc. ; and John Evans, NBS (Retired. Evans had attended 6 Temperature Symposia!) |
ITS9 CCT Meetings: From left, Rod White, MSL, New Zealand; Peter Bloombergen, VSL, Delft, Netherlands; and Graham Machin, NPL, Teddinton, UK. |